lineSegment3dClosestApproachUnbounded MethodStatic
Return true if lines (a0,a1) to (b0, b1) have closest approach (go by each other) in 3d Return the fractional (not xy) coordinates in result.x, result.y
lineSegment3dClosestApproachUnbounded(a0: Point3d, a1: Point3d, b0: Point3d, b1: Point3d, result: Vector2d): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
a0 | Point3d | start point of line a |
a1 | Point3d | end point of line a |
b0 | Point3d | start point of line b |
b1 | Point3d | end point of line b |
result | Vector2d | point to receive fractional coordinates of intersection. result.x is fraction on line a. result.y is fraction on line b. |
Returns - boolean
Defined in
- numerics/SmallSystem.ts Line 224
Last Updated: 24 January, 2025
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