addCrossProductToTargetsInPlace Method

Accumulate a vector which is cross product vectors from origin (ax,ay,az) to targets (bx,by,bz) and (cx,cy,cz)

addCrossProductToTargetsInPlace(ax: number, ay: number, az: number, bx: number, by: number, bz: number, cx: number, cy: number, cz: number): void

Parameter Type Description
ax number x coordinate of origin
ay number y coordinate of origin
az number z coordinate of origin
bx number x coordinate of target point b
by number y coordinate of target point b
bz number z coordinate of target point b
cx number x coordinate of target point c
cy number y coordinate of target point c
cz number z coordinate of target point c

Returns - void

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024