clipBy01FunctionValuesPositive Method

On input, this is an interval of a line. On output, the interval has been clipped to positive parts of a linear function

  • f0 and f1 are values at parameter values 0 and 1 (which are in general NOT x0 and x1)
  • From that determine where the segment crosses function value 0.
  • The segment contains some interval in the same parameter space.
  • Clip the segment to the positive part of the space.
  • Return true (and modify the segment) if any of the segment remains.
  • Return false (but without modifying the segment) if the active part is entirely out.

clipBy01FunctionValuesPositive(f0: number, f1: number): boolean

Parameter Type Description
f0 number  
f1 number  

Returns - boolean

Defined in

Last Updated: 11 March, 2025