radiansPairToEquatorialEllipsoid Method

  • For a given pair of points on an ellipsoid, construct another ellipsoid
    • touches the same xyz points in space
    • has transformation modified so that the original two points are on the equator.
  • Note that except for true sphere inputs, the result axes can be both non-perpendicular axes and of different lengths.

radiansPairToEquatorialEllipsoid(thetaARadians: number, phiARadians: number, thetaBRadians: number, phiBRadians: number, result?: Ellipsoid): undefined | Ellipsoid

Parameter Type Description
thetaARadians number longitude, in radians, for pointA
phiARadians number latitude, in radians, for pointA
thetaBRadians number longitude, in radians, for pointB
phiBRadians number latitude, in radians, for pointB
result Ellipsoid optional preallocated result

Returns - undefined | Ellipsoid

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024