AngleSweepProps Type
AngleSweepProps = AngleSweep | { degrees: [number, number] } | { radians: [number, number] } | [number, number]
The properties for a JSON representation of an AngleSweep
- The json data is always start and end angles as a pair in an array.
- If AngleSweepProps data is an array of two numbers, those are both angles in
. - If AngleSweepProps data is an object with key
, then the corresponding value must be an array of two numbers, the start and end angles in degrees. - If the AngleSweepProps is an object with key
, then the corresponding value must be an array of two numbers, the start and end angles in radians.
Defined in
- Geometry.ts Line 205
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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