

The Id of the currently-flashed object. The "flashed" visual effect is typically applied to the object in the viewport currently under the mouse cursor, to indicate it is ready to be interacted with by a tool. ToolAdmin is responsible for updating it when the mouse cursor moves. The object is usually an Element but could also be a Model or pickable decoration produced by a Decorator. The setter ignores any string that is not a well-formed Id64String. Passing Id64.invalid to the setter is equivalent to passing undefined - both mean "nothing is flashed".

flashedId: undefined | string

@throws Error if an attempt is made to change this property from within an onFlashedIdChanged event callback.

@see - onFlashedIdChanged to be notified when the flashed object changes.

Returns - undefined | string


flashedId(id: string): void

Parameter Type Description
id string  

Returns - void

Defined in

Last Updated: 11 March, 2025