ScreenSpaceEffectSource Interface

The GLSL implementation of the effect produced by a ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder, to be integrated into a complete shader program. The effect shader code differs slightly from that of an ordinary shader:

  • Instead of main, it should implement effectMain.
    • It can include other functions, variables, etc outside of effectMain.
  • It should omit declarations of uniform and varying variables - these will be generated from those supplied to addUniform and addVarying. The program receives one pre-defined uniform sampler2D u_diffuse representing the viewport's rendered image.


Name Type Description
fragment string The GLSL implementation of the fragment shader.  
sampleSourcePixel string | undefined If the fragment shader shifts pixels from their original locations, then by default element locate will not work, because it expects the pixels produced by an element  
vertex string The GLSL implementation of the vertex shader.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025