CloudSqlite Namespace

Types for accessing SQLite databases stored in cloud containers.


Name Description
CloudSqlite.LoggingMask Logging categories for CloudCache.setLogMask


Name Description
CloudSqlite.CloudCaches The collection of currently extant CloudCaches, by name.
CloudSqlite.DbAccess Class that provides convenient local access to a SQLite database in a CloudContainer.


Name Description
CloudSqlite.CachedDbProps Returned from CloudContainer.queryDatabase describing one database in the container
CloudSqlite.CacheProps Properties for creating a CloudCache.
CloudSqlite.CloudCache A local cache for storing data downloaded from many CloudSqlite databases.
CloudSqlite.CloudContainer A CloudSqlite container that may be connected to a CloudCache.
CloudSqlite.CloudPrefetch Object returned by startCloudPrefetch.
CloudSqlite.ContainerAccessProps Properties to access a CloudContainer.
CloudSqlite.CreateCloudCacheArg Arguments to create or find a CloudCache
CloudSqlite.DbNameProp The name of a CloudSqlite database within a CloudContainer.
CloudSqlite.DbProps Properties for accessing a database within a CloudContainer
CloudSqlite.ObtainLockParams Parameters used to obtain the write lock on a cloud container

Type alias

Name Description
CloudSqlite.WriteLockBusyHandler Optional method to be called when an attempt to acquire the write lock fails because another user currently holds it.


Name Description
CloudSqlite.acquireWriteLock Attempt to acquire the write lock for a container, with retries.
CloudSqlite.cleanDeletedBlocks Clean any unused deleted blocks from cloud storage.
CloudSqlite.createCloudContainer Create a new CloudContainer from a ContainerAccessProps.
CloudSqlite.downloadDb Download a database from a CloudContainer.
CloudSqlite.requestToken Request a new AccessToken for a cloud container using the BlobContainer service.
CloudSqlite.startCloudPrefetch Begin prefetching all blocks for a database in a CloudContainer in the background.
CloudSqlite.uploadDb Upload a local SQLite database file into a CloudContainer.
CloudSqlite.withWriteLock Perform an asynchronous write operation on a CloudContainer with the write lock held.

Defined in

Last Updated: 14 November, 2024