withPreparedSqliteStatement Method

Use a prepared SQL statement, potentially from the statement cache. If the requested statement doesn't exist in the statement cache, a new statement is prepared. After the callback completes, the statement is reset and saved in the statement cache so it can be reused in the future. Use this method for SQL statements that will be reused often and are expensive to prepare. The statement cache holds the most recently used statements, discarding the oldest statements as it fills. For statements you don't intend to reuse, instead use withSqliteStatement.

withPreparedSqliteStatement<T>(sql: string, callback: (stmt: SqliteStatement) => T, logErrors: booleantrue): T

@returns the value returned by callback.

@see withPreparedStatement

Parameter Type Description
sql string The SQLite SQL statement to execute
callback (stmt: SqliteStatement) => T the callback to invoke on the prepared statement
logErrors boolean Determine if errors are logged or not

Returns - T

the value returned by callback.

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025