showCalculator Method
Deprecated in 4.11.0. Use showCalculator.
Show a calculator at a particular location.
showCalculator(initialValue: number, resultIcon: string, location: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, onOk: OnNumberCommitFunc, onCancel: OnCancelFunc, htmlElement?: HTMLElement): boolean
@returns true if the menu was displayed, false if the menu could not be displayed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
initialValue | number | Value initially displayed in the calculator. |
resultIcon | string | Icon displayed to the left of the value. |
location | Readonly<WritableXAndY> | Location of the calculator, relative to the origin of htmlElement or the window. |
onOk | OnNumberCommitFunc | Function called when the OK button or the Enter key is pressed. |
onCancel | OnCancelFunc | Function called when the Cancel button or the Escape key is pressed. |
htmlElement | HTMLElement | The HTMLElement that anchors the context menu. If undefined, the location is relative to the overall window. |
Returns - boolean
true if the menu was displayed, false if the menu could not be displayed.
Defined in
Last Updated: 27 February, 2025
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