Standard Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Naming Rules
Generally, abbreviations and acronyms should only be used where they are commonplace, expected, and unambiguous. Otherwise, avoid them.
Consistency should be the primary goal when naming new concepts in the context of existing ones.
Accepted Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Word |
Db | Database |
Id | Identifier |
Acronyms and Numeronyms
Acronym | Phrase |
1d, 2d, 3d | One-, Two-, Three-Dimensional (note lowercase "d") |
Html | HyperText Markup Language |
EC | Engineering Content |
IO | Input/Output |
UI | User Interface |
Uri | Universal Resource Identifier See We prefer the term Uri over Url/Urn for the reasons mentioned in the line above. If it is truly an Urn then rather use ‘Code’ |
I18N | Internationalization |
L10N | Localization |
Naming rules
Don’t Use These | Rather Use |
Desc | Description |
Geo, Geom | Geometry |
Uuid | Guid |
Mngt, Mgmt, etc | Management |
Url, Urn | Uri |
Def | Definition |
Ref | Reference |
Last Updated: 15 May, 2024
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