BisCustomAttributes (BIS Custom Attributes) Schema

Alias: bisCA

Version: 1.0.0

Custom attributes to indicate BIS concepts.

Table of contents

Custom Attribute Classes

SchemaLayerInfo Sealed CustomAttributeClass

Declares the target layer in the BIS schema hierarchy for a schema.

Applies to: Schema

BIS schemas should be tagged with the SchemaLayerInfo CustomAttribute to enable validation and error checking related to schema-references.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
Value Layer in the BIS schema hierarchy that a schema targets. false 0


SchemaLayer Enumeration

Backing Type: string

Defines the layers in the BIS schema hierarchy.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Core Core Layer for schemas that define the most fundamental concepts and key organizational strategies for all other BIS schemas.
Common Common Layer for schemas that define abstract concepts and patterns used by multiple disciplines.
Discipline-Physical DisciplinePhysical Layer for schemas that focus on physical/spatial and closely associated concepts, in light of a specific discipline.
Discipline-Other DisciplineOther Layer for schemas that define concepts from modeling perspectives other than physical, in light of a specific discipline.
Application Application Layer for schemas that define concepts that no other schema would need or want to reference.

A schema at a particular layer can only reference schemas at the same layer or lower.

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024