Analytical (Analytical) Schema

Alias: anlyt

Version: 1.0.1

The BIS classes that specialized Analytical domain schemas extend.

Contains the core classes which define the base classes used by specialized BIS Analytical Domain schemas, such as Hydraulic analysis, Structural analysis, Thermal analysis, etc. This schema is not meant to cover Analytical Results or Scenario Analysis, which will be addressed separately in the future.

Each specialized BIS Analytical Domain is expected to introduce subclasses for anlyt:AnalyticalPartition, anlyt:AnalyticalModel, anlyt:AnalyticalElement and, if needed, anlyt:AnalyticalType.

Table of contents

Entity Classes

AnalyticalElement (Analytical Element) Abstract EntityClass

An anlyt:AnalyticalElement is spatially located, simulating zero or more bis:SpatialLocationElement or bis:PhysicalElement instances in light of a specialized analytical perspective.

Base Class: BisCore:GeometricElement3d

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

anlyt:AnalyticalElement is expected to be subclassed by specialized BIS Analytical Domain schemas.

AnalyticalModel (Analytical Model) Abstract EntityClass

A container for persisting anlyt:AnalyticalElement instances used to model a specialized analytical perspective.

Base Class: BisCore:GeometricModel3d

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
ParentModel The parent bis:Model contains the bis:Element that this bis:Model is sub-modeling. navigation
ModeledElement The bis:Element that this bis:Model is sub-modeling. This bis:Model models the same Entity as the sub-Modeled bis:Element, but at a finer granularity. navigation
IsPrivate If IsPrivate is true then this bis:Model should not appear in lists shown to the user. boolean
IsTemplate If IsTemplate is true then this bis:Model is used as a template for creating new instances. boolean
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
LastMod The last time any element in this Model was modified. dateTime
GeometryGuid A GUID that changes whenever any element in this GeometricModel has a change to its geometry. binary BeGuid
IsNotSpatiallyLocated If IsNotSpatiallyLocated is true, then the elements in this bis:GeometricModel3d are not in real-world coordinates and will not be in the spatial index. boolean
IsPlanProjection If IsPlanProjection is true, then the elements in this bis:GeometricModel3d are expected to be in an XY plane. boolean

anlyt:AnalyticalModel is expected to be subclassed by specialized BIS Analytical Domain schemas.

AnalyticalPartition (Analytical Partition) Abstract EntityClass

An anlyt:AnalyticalPartition element indicates that there is a specialized analytical perspective within the overall information hierarchy. An anlyt:AnalyticalPartition subclass is always parented to a bis:Subject and broken down by an anlyt:AnalyticalModel.

Base Class: BisCore:InformationPartitionElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Description A human-readable string describing the intent behind the partition. string

anlyt:AnalyticalPartition is expected to be subclassed by specialized BIS Analytical Domain schemas.

AnalyticalType (Analytical Type) Abstract EntityClass

Defines a shared set of properties (the 'type') that can be associated with an anlyt:AnalyticalElement. It is not meant to replace a bis:PhysicalType if it is available.

Base Class: BisCore:TypeDefinitionElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

anlyt:AnalyticalType can be optionally subclassed by specialized BIS Analytical Domain schemas. It is not meant to replace cases better covered by a bis:PhysicalType, but rather augmenting it with data needed for a specialized analysis. E.g. an analytical pump should refer to a physical pump type, augmenting it with data needed for a specialized analysis. In the case of a Hydraulic Analysis, for instance, such data could entail classes covering Operating Pump Curves.

A catalog of Storm Events to be used in a Hydrological analysis is an example where introducing a subclass of anlyt:AnalyticalType is more appropriate.

Relationship Classes

AnalyticalElementIsOfType RelationshipClass

A type-instance relation; one that indicates that the specific anlyt:AnalyticalElement is an instance of the defined anlyt:AnalyticalType.

Base Class: BisCore:GeometricElement3dHasTypeDefinition

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward

It is meant to be used to relate anlyt:AnalyticalType instances that are not better represented by a bis:PhysicalType instance. E.g. an analytical Storm instance used in a Hydrological Analysis is of type N-years Storm Event.


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is of type

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is type of

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

AnalyticalSimulatesSpatialElement RelationshipClass

Relates an anlyt:AnalyticalElement to the bis:SpatialLocationElement or bis:PhysicalElement it is simulating, in light of a specialized analytical perspective.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementRefersToElements

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward

E.g. An analytical pump station in a Hydraulic analysis can be related with all the physical pumps it is simulating.


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: simulates

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is simulated by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

Last Updated: 12 February, 2025