DrawingViewState Class

A view of a DrawingModel




Name Description
constructor(props: ViewDefinition2dProps, iModel: IModelConnection, categories: CategorySelectorState, displayStyle: DisplayStyle2dState): DrawingViewState    
createFromProps(props: ViewStateProps, iModel: IModelConnection): DrawingViewState Static    

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
allow3dManipulations(): boolean ViewState2d  
calculateFocusCorners(): Point3d[] ViewState  
calculateFrustum(result?: Frustum): Frustum | undefined ViewState Calculate the world coordinate Frustum from the parameters of this ViewState.
clone(iModel?: IModelConnection): this EntityState Make an independent copy of this EntityState
computeFitRange(): Range3d ViewState2d  
createAuxCoordSystem(acsName: string): AuxCoordSystemState ViewState2d  
equals(other: this): boolean ViewState Determine whether this ViewState exactly matches another.
forEachModel(func: (model: GeometricModelState) => void): void ViewState2d  
getAspectRatio(): number ViewState Get the aspect ratio (width/height) of this view
getAspectRatioSkew(): number ViewState Get the aspect ratio skew (x/y, usually 1.0) that is used to exaggerate the y axis of the view.
getAuxiliaryCoordinateSystemId(): Id64String ViewState Get the Id of the auxiliary coordinate system for this ViewState
getCenter(result?: Primitives.Point3d): Point3d ViewState Get the point at the geometric center of the view.
getDetails(): any ViewState  
getExtents(): Vector3d ViewState2d  
getGridOrientation(): GridOrientationType ViewState Get the grid settings for this view
getGridSettings(vp: Viewport, origin: Point3d, rMatrix: Matrix3d, orientation: GridOrientationType): void ViewState Populate the given origin and rotation with information from the grid settings from the grid orientation.
getGridSpacing(): XAndY ViewState  
getGridsPerRef(): number ViewState  
getOrigin(): Point3d ViewState2d  
getRotation(): Matrix3d ViewState2d  
getSubCategoryOverride(id: Id64String): SubCategoryOverride | undefined ViewState Query the symbology overrides applied to geometry belonging to a specific subcategory when rendered using this ViewState.
getTargetPoint(result?: Primitives.Point3d): Point3d ViewState Get the target point of the view.
getViewClip(): ClipVector | undefined ViewState Get the clipping volume for this view, if defined
getViewedExtents(): AxisAlignedBox3d ViewState2d  
getViewedModel(): GeometricModel2dState | undefined ViewState2d Return the model for this 2d view.
getXVector(result?: Vector3d): Vector3d ViewState Get the unit vector that points in the view X (left-to-right) direction.
getYVector(result?: Vector3d): Vector3d ViewState Get the unit vector that points in the view Y (bottom-to-top) direction.
getZVector(result?: Vector3d): Vector3d ViewState Get the unit vector that points in the view Z (front-to-back) direction.
is2d(): this is ViewState2d ViewState Returns true if this ViewState is-a ViewState2d
is3d(): this is ViewState3d ViewState Returns true if this ViewState is-a ViewState3d
isCameraEnabled(): this is ViewState3d ViewState Returns true if this ViewState is-a ViewState3d with the camera currently on.
isDrawingView(): this is DrawingViewState ViewState Returns true if this ViewState is-a DrawingViewState
isSpatialView(): this is SpatialViewState ViewState Returns true if this ViewState is-a SpatialViewState
load(): Promise<void> ViewState2d  
lookAtViewAlignedVolume(volume: Range3d, aspect?: number, margin?: MarginPercent): void ViewState Look at a volume of space defined by a range in view local coordinates, keeping its current rotation.
lookAtVolume(volume: LowAndHighXYZ | LowAndHighXY, aspect?: number, margin?: MarginPercent): void ViewState Change the volume that this view displays, keeping its current rotation.
onRenderFrame(_viewport: Viewport): void ViewState2d  
resetExtentLimits(): void ViewState Resets the largest and smallest values allowed for the extents of this ViewState to their default values.
setAspectRatioSkew(val: number): void ViewState Set the aspect ratio skew (x/y) for this view.
setAuxiliaryCoordinateSystem(acs?: AuxCoordSystemState): void ViewState Set or clear the AuxiliaryCoordinateSystem for this view.
setCategorySelector(categories: CategorySelectorState): void ViewState Set the CategorySelector for this view.
setCenter(center: Point3d): void ViewState set the center of this view to a new position.
setDisplayStyle(style: DisplayStyleState): void ViewState  
setExtents(delta: XAndY): void ViewState2d  
setGridSettings(orientation: GridOrientationType, spacing: Point2d, gridsPerRef: number): void ViewState Set the grid settings for this view
setOrigin(origin: XAndY): void ViewState2d  
setRotation(rot: Matrix3d): void ViewState2d  
setRotationAboutPoint(rotation: Matrix3d, point?: Primitives.Point3d): void ViewState Set the rotation of this ViewState to the supplied rotation, by rotating it about a point.
setStandardRotation(id: StandardViewId): void ViewState Orient this view to one of the StandardView rotations.
setViewClip(clip?: ClipVector): void ViewState Set or clear the clipping volume for this view.
setupFromFrustum(inFrustum: Frustum): ViewStatus ViewState Initialize the origin, extents, and rotation from an existing Frustum
toJSON(): ViewDefinition2dProps ViewState2d  
viewsCategory(id: Id64String): boolean ViewState Determine whether the specified Category is displayed in this view
viewsModel(modelId: Id64String): boolean ViewState2d  


Name Type Description
defaultExtentLimits Accessor ReadOnly ExtentLimits    

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
analysisStyle Accessor ReadOnly AnalysisStyle | undefined ViewState Get the AnalysisDisplayProperties from the displayStyle of this ViewState.
angle Angle ViewState2d  
auxiliaryCoordinateSystem Accessor ReadOnly AuxCoordSystemState ViewState get the auxiliary coordinate system state object for this ViewState.
backgroundColor Accessor ReadOnly ColorDef ViewState Get this view's background color.
baseModelId Id64String ViewState2d  
categorySelector CategorySelectorState ViewState Selects the categories that are display by this ViewState.
classFullName Accessor StaticReadOnly string EntityState Get full BIS class name of this Entity in the form "SchemaName:ClassName".
classFullName string EntityState The full class name in the form "schema:class".
className Accessor ReadOnly string EntityState The name of the BIS class associated with this class.
code Code ElementState The Code for this element
delta Point2d ViewState2d  
description undefined | string ViewState  
details Accessor ReadOnly ViewDetails ViewState2d Provides access to optional detail settings for this view.
displayStyle DisplayStyleState ViewState Selects the styling parameters for this this ViewState.
extentLimits Accessor ExtentLimits ViewState Get or set the largest and smallest values allowed for the extents for this ViewState
The default limits vary based on the type of view:
- Spatial view extents cannot exceed the diameter of the earth.
- Drawing view extents cannot exceed twice the longest axis of the drawing model's range.
- Sheet view extents cannot exceed ten times the paper size of the sheet.
Explicitly setting the extent limits overrides the default limits.
federationGuid undefined | GuidString ElementState A FederationGuid assigned to this element by some other federated database
id Id64String EntityState The Id of this Entity.
iModel IModelConnection EntityState The iModel from which this Entity was loaded
isPrivate undefined | false | true ViewState  
jsonProperties [key: string]: any EntityState Optional json properties of this Entity.
model Id64String ElementState The ModelId of the Model containing this element
name Accessor ReadOnly string ViewState Get the name of the ViewDefinition from which this ViewState originated.
origin Point2d ViewState2d  
parent undefined | RelatedElement ElementState The parent Element of this, or undefined if no parent.
schemaName Accessor StaticReadOnly string EntityState The name of the BIS schema for this class.
userLabel undefined | string ElementState A user-assigned label for this element.
viewFlags Accessor ReadOnly ViewFlags ViewState Get the ViewFlags from the DisplayStyleState of this ViewState.

Defined in

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024