API Reference > imodeljs-frontend > Rendering > RenderSystem RenderSystem Class A RenderSystem provides access to resources used by the internal WebGL-based rendering system. An application rarely interacts directly with the RenderSystem; instead it interacts with types like Viewport which coordinate with the RenderSystem on the application's behalf. A RenderSystem provides access to resources used by the internal WebGL-based rendering system. An application rarely interacts directly with the RenderSystem; instead it interacts with types like Viewport which coordinate with the RenderSystem on the application's behalf. see IModelApp.renderSystem. see IModelApp.renderSystem. Extended by MockRender.System Implements IDisposable Methods Name Description createBranch(branch: GraphicBranch, transform: Transform): RenderGraphic Create a RenderGraphic consisting of a list of Graphics, with optional transform and symbology overrides applied to the list createGraphicBuilder(placement: Transform, type: GraphicType, viewport: Viewport, pickableId?: Id64String): GraphicBuilder Abstract Creates a GraphicBuilder for creating a RenderGraphic. createGraphicList(primitives: RenderGraphic[]): RenderGraphic Abstract Create a RenderGraphic consisting of a list of Graphics to be drawn together. createGraphicOwner(ownedGraphic: RenderGraphic): RenderGraphicOwner Create a graphic that assumes ownership of another graphic. createMaterial(_params: Params, _imodel: IModelConnection): RenderMaterial | undefined Create a RenderMaterial from parameters createSkyBox(_params: SkyGradient.CreateParams): RenderGraphic | undefined Create a Graphic for a SkyBox which encompasses the entire scene, rotating with the camera. createTextureFromImage(_image: HTMLImageElement, _hasAlpha: boolean, _imodel: IModelConnection | undefined, _params: Params): RenderTexture | undefined Create a new texture from an HTML image. createTextureFromImageBuffer(_image: ImageBuffer, _imodel: IModelConnection, _params: Params): RenderTexture | undefined Create a new texture from an ImageBuffer. createTextureFromImageSource(source: ImageSource, imodel: IModelConnection | undefined, params: Params): Promise<RenderTexture | undefined> Create a new texture from an ImageSource. findMaterial(_key: string, _imodel: IModelConnection): RenderMaterial | undefined Find a previously-created RenderMaterial by its ID. findTexture(_key: string, _imodel: IModelConnection): RenderTexture | undefined Find a previously-created RenderTexture by its ID. getGradientTexture(_symb: Symb, _imodel: IModelConnection): RenderTexture | undefined Obtain a texture created from a gradient. Beta Properties Name Type Description debugControl Accessor ReadOnly RenderSystemDebugControl | undefined Obtain an object that can be used to control various debugging features. Beta Defined in core/frontend/src/render/RenderSystem.ts Line 291 Last Updated: 13 June, 2024