
The Toolbar category in the @itwin/components-react package includes components that provide a toolbar that supports an overflow button.

Component Description
ToolbarWithOverflow Toolbar that can be oriented horizontal or vertical.
PopupItem Toolbar button that display a popup panel


ToolbarWithOverflow is a toolbar component that can be oriented horizontal or vertical. It will automatically show an overflow button if the all buttons cannot be displayed due to the size of the toolbar.

ToolbarWithOverflow Sample

The following sample shows the definition of a toolbar.

// First create toolbar item definitions
const toolbarItems = [
  ToolbarHelper.createToolbarItemFromItemDef(0, CoreTools.keyinBrowserButtonItemDef),
  ToolbarHelper.createToolbarItemFromItemDef(10, CoreTools.clearSelectionItemDef),
  ToolbarHelper.createToolbarItemFromItemDef(20, SelectionContextToolDefinitions.hideElementsItemDef),
  ToolbarHelper.createToolbarItemFromItemDef(30, SelectionContextToolDefinitions.isolateElementsItemDef),
  ToolbarHelper.createToolbarItemFromItemDef(40, SelectionContextToolDefinitions.emphasizeElementsItemDef),

// Next create toolbar component and provide the item definitions with will create the buttons.

The props defined above are all defaults, so the above definition could be shortened to the following.

<ToolbarWithOverflow items={toolbarItems} />;


Toolbar Popup Buttons

Toolbar support two basic Popup buttons, one that is created for a GroupButton definition that show a panel of tools to execute and one that shows custom contents in a popup panel using CustomToolbarItem definition.

Custom Popup Panel

A CustomToolbarItem definition can be used to define a button with a custom pop-up panel. The panelContentNode property is used to define the React component to display in the popup panel.

const buttonDefWithPopupPanel = {
    id: "MyPopupPanelButton",
    itemPriority: 10,
    icon: "icon-placeholder",
    label: "Show Hello World",
    isCustom: true,
    panelContentNode: <div data-testid="popup-panel">HelloWorld!</div>,
  } as CustomToolbarItem;

Group Popup Panel

Below is an example of setting up a GroupButton definition that shows a pop-up panel of actions.

const childItems: ActionButton[] = [
  ToolbarItemUtilities.createActionButton("Child1", 10, "icon-app-1", "Child1 Tool", (): void => {/* start tool or open a dialog */ }),
  ToolbarItemUtilities.createActionButton("Child2", 20, "icon-app-2", "Child2 Tool", (): void => {/* start tool or open a dialog */}),

const toolbarItemsWithGroup: CommonToolbarItem[] = [
  ToolbarItemUtilities.createGroupButton("GroupButton", 10, "icon-developer", "Tool Group", childItems),

API Reference

Last Updated: 02 February, 2022