API Reference > ui-framework > Widget > ToolWidgetPropsEx ToolWidgetPropsEx Interface Properties for the ToolWidget React component. Extends ToolWidgetProps CommonProps Inherited methods Name Inherited from Description onWidgetStateChanged(): void OptionalReadonly ToolWidgetProps Handler for widget state changed event restoreTransientState(): boolean OptionalReadonly ToolWidgetProps Restore transient DOM state. saveTransientState(): void OptionalReadonly ToolWidgetProps Save transient DOM state (i.e. stateFunc(state: Readonly<WidgetState>): WidgetState OptionalReadonly ToolWidgetProps Function executed to determine the state of the widget. Properties Name Type Description button undefined | ReactNode horizontalToolbar undefined | ReactNode verticalToolbar undefined | ReactNode Inherited properties Name Type Inherited from Description appButton undefined | CommandItemDef ToolWidgetProps applicationData Readonly undefined | any ToolWidgetProps Application data attached to the Widget. badgeType Readonly undefined | BadgeType ToolWidgetProps Badge to be overlaid on the widget tab. canPopout Readonly undefined | boolean ToolWidgetProps Indicates if widget can be popped out to a child window. classId string | ConfigurableUiControlConstructor ToolWidgetProps Control's class id className undefined | string ToolWidgetProps Custom CSS class name control undefined | ConfigurableUiControlConstructor ToolWidgetProps A WidgetControl providing information about the Widget. defaultState Readonly undefined | WidgetState ToolWidgetProps Default Widget state. element undefined | ReactNode ToolWidgetProps A React component for the Widget. fillZone Readonly undefined | boolean ToolWidgetProps Indicates whether this Widget should fill the available space in the Zone. horizontalDirection undefined | Direction ToolWidgetProps horizontalItems undefined | ItemList ToolWidgetProps icon Readonly string | ConditionalStringValue ToolWidgetProps Name of icon WebFont entry or if specifying an SVG symbol added by plug on use "svg:" prefix to imported symbol Id. iconSpec undefined | IconSpec ToolWidgetProps CSS class name or SvgSprite/SvgPath for icon id Readonly undefined | string ToolWidgetProps Optional Id used to uniquely identify the widget. internalData Readonly undefined | Map<string, any> ToolWidgetProps optional data to used by item implementor. isFloatingStateSupported Readonly undefined | boolean ToolWidgetProps Indicates if widget can be in floating state. isFloatingStateWindowResizable Readonly undefined | boolean ToolWidgetProps Indicates if floating widget is resizable. isFreeform Readonly undefined | boolean ToolWidgetProps Indicates whether the Widget is free-form or rectangular. isStatusBar Readonly undefined | boolean ToolWidgetProps Indicates whether this Widget is for the Status Bar. isToolSettings Readonly undefined | boolean ToolWidgetProps Indicates whether this Widget is for the Tool Settings. label Readonly string | ConditionalStringValue ToolWidgetProps if set, component will be considered selected but will NOT display an "active stripe" - defaults to false. labelKey undefined | string ToolWidgetProps if set, it is used to define a key that is used to look up a localized string. preferredPanelSize undefined | "fit-content" ToolWidgetProps priority Readonly undefined | number ToolWidgetProps Widget priority providerId Readonly undefined | string ToolWidgetProps id of UiItemsProvider style undefined | CSSProperties ToolWidgetProps Custom CSS style properties syncEventIds Readonly undefined | string[] ToolWidgetProps Defines the SyncUi event Ids that will trigger the stateFunc to run to determine the state of the widget. tooltip Readonly string | ConditionalStringValue ToolWidgetProps used to explicitly set the tooltip shown by a component. tooltipKey undefined | string ToolWidgetProps if set, it is used to define a key that is used to look up a localized string. verticalDirection undefined | Direction ToolWidgetProps verticalItems undefined | ItemList ToolWidgetProps Defined in ui/framework/src/ui-framework/widgets/ToolWidget.tsx Line 73 Last Updated: 11 June, 2024