API Reference > imodeljs-common > Rendering > BatchType BatchType Enumeration Describes the type of a 'batch' of graphics representing multiple Features. The most commonly-encountered batches are Tiles, which can be of either Primary or Classifier type. Members Name Value Description Primary 0 This batch contains graphics derived from a model's visible geometry. VolumeClassifier 1 This batch contains color volumes which are used to classify a model's visible geometry.The graphics themselves are not rendered to the screen; instead they are rendered to the stencil bufferto resymbolize the primary geometry. PlanarClassifier 2 This batch contains planar graphics which are used to classify a model's visible geometry.The graphics themselves are not rendered to the screen; instead they are rendered to a texture bufferto resymbolize the primary geometry. Defined in core/common/src/FeatureTable.ts Line 71 Last Updated: 11 June, 2024