Learning > geometry > Triangulation Edit this page Examples of Triangulation Delauney triangulation of many points in xy plane 25 points compute convex hull of points: Point3d[] const hull: Point3d[] = []; const interior: Point3d[] = []; Point3dArray.computeConvexHullXY(points, hull, interior, true); One step points: Point3d[] to Polyface const polyface = PolyfaceBuilder.pointsToTriangulatedPolyface(points); IndexedPolyface with all the points triangulated. Unit Test source: imodeljs\core\geometry\src\test\topology\InsertAndRetriangulateContext.test.ts test name: "TriangulateInHull" output: imodeljs\core\geometry\src\test\output\InsertAndRetriangulateContext\TriangulateInHull.imjs Triangulate points "between linestrings" 4 and 6 sided polygons Same polygons displayed with <br>handles to indicate the two linestrings have edge subdivision mismatch <br> in addition to the different cornering angles triangles constructed "between" the polygons Same polygons, another mix of points along edges triangles constructed "between" the polygons Unit Test source: imodeljs\core\geometry\src\test\Polyface\GreedyTriangulationBetweenLineStrings.test.ts test set: describe("GreedyTriangulationBetweenLineStrings" test name: quadStar output: imodeljs\core\geometry\src\test\output\GreedyTriangulationBetweenLineStrings\quadStar.imjs Last Updated: 11 June, 2024