
Classes for working with a Widget


Name Description  
DefaultNavigationWidget Default Navigation Widget for zone 3. Beta
NavigationWidget Navigation Widget React component.  
NavigationWidgetDef Definition of a Navigation Widget normally displayed in the top right zone in the 9-Zone Layout system.  
ReviewToolWidget Default Tool Widget for standard "review" applications. Beta
ToolbarWidgetDefBase A Toolbar Widget normally displayed in the top left & top right zones in the 9-Zone Layout system.  
ToolWidget ToolWidget React component.  
ToolWidgetDef Definition of a Tool Widget normally displayed in the top left zone in the 9-Zone Layout system.  
Widget Widget React component.  
WidgetControl The base class for Widget controls.  
WidgetDef A Widget Definition in the 9-Zone Layout system.  
WidgetHost A WidgetHost represents a definition that hosts one or most Widgets in a Frontstage.  
WidgetStateChangedEvent Widget State Changed Event class.  


Name Description  
IModelConnectedNavigationWidget DefaultNavigationWidget that is connected to the IModelConnection property in the Redux store. Beta
IModelConnectedVisibilityComponent VisibilityComponent that is connected to the IModelConnection property in the Redux store. Beta


Name Description  
VisibilityComponentHierarchy Types of hierarchies displayed in the VisibilityComponent  
WidgetState Widget state enum.  
WidgetType Widget type enum.  


Name Description  
DefaultNavigationProps Properties that can be used to append items to the default set of toolbar items of DefaultNavigationWidget. Beta
NavigationWidgetProps Properties for a Navigation Widget.  
NavigationWidgetPropsEx Properties for the NavigationWidget React component.  
ReviewToolWidgetProps Properties that can be used to append items to the default set of toolbar items of ReviewToolWidget. Beta
ToolbarWidgetProps Properties for a Toolbar Widget.  
ToolWidgetProps Properties for a Tool Widget.  
ToolWidgetPropsEx Properties for the ToolWidget React component.  
WidgetProps Properties for a Widget component.  
WidgetStateChangedEventArgs Widget State Changed Event Args interface.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
AnyWidgetProps Union of all Widget properties.  

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024