
Presentation React components for working with a Tree.


Name Description  
ExpansionToggle ExpansionToggle React component used by the TreeNode component  
Tree Presentation React component for a Tree  
TreeBranch Presentation React component for a Tree branch  
TreeNode Presentation React component for a Tree node  
TreeNodePlaceholder Presentation React component for a placeholder to be displayed instead of a node while it's being loaded  


Name Description  
LEVEL_OFFSET Number of pixels the node gets offset per each hierarchy level  


Name Description  
ExpansionToggleProps Properties for the ExpansionToggle component  
NodeCheckboxProps Properties for Tree Node CheckBox Beta
TreeBranchProps Properties for TreeBranch React component  
TreeNodePlaceholderProps Properties for the TreeNodePlaceholder React component  
TreeNodeProps Properties for the TreeNode React component  
TreeProps Properties for the Tree presentational React component  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
NodeCheckboxRenderer Type for node checkbox renderer Beta
NodeCheckboxRenderProps Props for node checkbox renderer Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024