SharedRendererProps Interface

Properties shared by all renderers and PropertyView


Name Type Description
actionButtonRenderers undefined | ActionButtonRenderer[] Array of action button renderers @beta  
columnRatio undefined | number Ratio between label and value cells  
isHoverable undefined | false | true Indicates that properties have hover effect  
isSelectable undefined | false | true Indicates that properties can be selected  
isSelected undefined | false | true Controls component selection  
onClick undefined | (property: PropertyRecord, key?: string) => void Called when property gets clicked.  
onColumnRatioChanged undefined | (ratio: number) => void Callback to ratio change event  
onContextMenu undefined | (property: PropertyRecord, e: MouseEvent) => void Called to show a context menu for properties  
onRightClick undefined | (property: PropertyRecord, key?: string) => void Called when property gets right clicked.  
orientation Orientation Orientation to use for displaying the property  
propertyRecord PropertyRecord PropertyRecord to render  
uniqueKey undefined | string Unique string, that identifies this property component.  
width undefined | number Width of the whole property element  

Defined in

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024