AuxCoordSystem3dState Class

The state of an AuxCoordSystem3d element in the frontend


Extended by



Name Description
constructor(props: AuxCoordSystem3dProps, iModel: IModelConnection): AuxCoordSystem3dState    
getOrigin(result?: Primitives.Point3d): Point3d    
getRotation(result?: Matrix3d): Matrix3d    
setOrigin(val: XYAndZ | XAndY): void    
setRotation(rMatrix: Matrix3d): void    
toJSON(): AuxCoordSystem3dProps    

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
clone(iModel?: IModelConnection): this EntityState Make an independent copy of this EntityState
display(context: DecorateContext, options: ACSDisplayOptions): void AuxCoordSystemState  
drawGrid(context: DecorateContext): void AuxCoordSystemState  
equals(other: this): boolean EntityState Return true if this EntityState is equal to another one.
isValidForView(view: ViewState): boolean AuxCoordSystemState  
createNew(acsName: string, iModel: IModelConnection): AuxCoordSystemState Static AuxCoordSystemState Create a new AuxCoordSystemState.
fromProps(props: AuxCoordSystemProps, iModel: IModelConnection): AuxCoordSystemState Static AuxCoordSystemState  
isOriginInView(drawOrigin: Point3d, viewport: Viewport, adjustOrigin: boolean): boolean Static AuxCoordSystemState Given an origin point, returns whether the point falls within the view or not.


Name Type Description
origin Point3d    
pitch number    
roll number    
yaw number    

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
classFullName Accessor StaticReadOnly string EntityState Get full BIS class name of this Entity in the form "SchemaName:ClassName".
classFullName string EntityState The full class name in the form "schema:class".
className Accessor ReadOnly string EntityState The name of the BIS class associated with this class.
code Code ElementState The Code for this element
description undefined | string AuxCoordSystemState  
federationGuid undefined | GuidString ElementState A FederationGuid assigned to this element by some other federated database
id Id64String EntityState The Id of this Entity.
iModel IModelConnection EntityState The iModel from which this Entity was loaded
is3d Accessor ReadOnly boolean AuxCoordSystemState  
jsonProperties [key: string]: any EntityState Optional json properties of this Entity.
model Id64String ElementState The ModelId of the Model containing this element
parent undefined | RelatedElement ElementState The parent Element of this, or undefined if no parent.
schemaName Accessor StaticReadOnly string EntityState The name of the BIS schema for this class.
type number AuxCoordSystemState  
userLabel undefined | string ElementState A user-assigned label for this element.

Defined in

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024