
Types describing geometry, views, and symbology for consumption by a display system.


Name Description  
Feature Describes a "feature" within a batched RenderGraphic.  
FeatureTable Defines a look-up table for Features within a batched RenderGraphic. Beta
ImageBuffer Uncompressed rectangular bitmap image data.  
ImageSource Image data encoded and compressed in either Jpeg or Png format.  
RenderMaterial Represents a material which can be applied to a surface to control aspects of its appearance such as color, reflectivity, texture, and so on. Beta
RenderMaterial.Params Parameters used to construct a RenderMaterial  
RenderTexture Represents a texture image applied to a surface during rendering. Beta
RenderTexture.Params Parameters used to construct a RenderTexture.  
TextureMapping Describes how to map a RenderTexture image onto a surface. Beta
TextureMapping.Params Parameters describing how a texture image is mapped to a surface.  
TextureMapping.Trans2x3 A 2x3 matrix for mapping a texture image to a surface.  


Name Description  
BatchType Describes the type of a 'batch' of graphics representing multiple Features. Beta
ImageBufferFormat Format of an ImageBuffer.  
ImageSourceFormat The format of an ImageSource.  
RenderTexture.Type Enumerates the types of RenderTextures.  
TextureMapping.Mode Enumerates the possible texture mapping modes.  
TextureMapUnits Beta

Global Functions

Name Description  
isPowerOfTwo Returns whether the input is a power of two.  
nextHighestPowerOfTwo Returns the first power-of-two value greater than or equal to the input.  


Name Description  
RenderMaterialProps Properties that define a RenderMaterial Beta
TextureMapping.ParamProps Properties used to construct a TextureMapping.Params.  
TextureMapProps Properties that define how a texture is mapped to a material Beta


Name Description  
Hilite Contains types related to display of hilited elements within a Viewport.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
DPoint2dProps Contains two array entries orders X, Y containing doubles Beta
RgbFactorProps Contains three array entries ordered as red, green, blue containing values 0 to 1 Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024