API Reference > imodeljs-common > Geometry > GeometryStreamIterator GeometryStreamIterator Class GeometryStreamIterator is a helper class for iterating a GeometryStreamProps. A GeometricElement's GeometryStream must be specifically requested using ElementLoadProps.wantGeometry. Each GeometryStreamIteratorEntry returned by the iterator represents exactly one geometric primitive in the stream. Implements IterableIterator<GeometryStreamIteratorEntry> Methods Name Description constructor(geometryStream: GeometryStreamProps, category?: Id64String): GeometryStreamIterator Construct a new GeometryStreamIterator given a GeometryStreamProps from either a GeometricElement3d, GeometricElement2d, or GeometryPart. [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<GeometryStreamIteratorEntry> next(): IteratorResult<GeometryStreamIteratorEntry> Advance to next displayable geometric entry while updating the current GeometryParams from appearance related entries. partToWorld(): Transform | undefined Get the transform that if applied to a GeometryPart's GeometryStream entries would return them in world coordinates. setLocalToWorld(localToWorld?: Transform): void Supply optional local to world transform. setLocalToWorld2d(origin: Point2d, angle: Angle = Angle.createDegrees(0.0)): void Supply local to world transform from Point2d and optional Angle. setLocalToWorld3d(origin: Point3d, angles: YawPitchRollAngles = YawPitchRollAngles.createDegrees(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): void Supply local to world transform from Point3d and optional YawPitchRollAngles. fromGeometricElement2d(element: GeometricElement2dProps): GeometryStreamIterator Static Create a new GeometryStream iterator for a GeometricElement2d. fromGeometricElement3d(element: GeometricElement3dProps): GeometryStreamIterator Static Create a new GeometryStream iterator for a GeometricElement3d. fromGeometryPart(geomPart: GeometryPartProps, geomParams?: GeometryParams, partTransform?: Transform): GeometryStreamIterator Static Create a new GeometryStream iterator for a GeometryPart. Properties Name Type Description entry GeometryStreamIteratorEntry Current entry information flags GeometryStreamFlags Flags applied to the entire geometry stream. geometryStream GeometryStreamProps GeometryStream entries Defined in core/common/src/geometry/GeometryStream.ts Line 526 Last Updated: 13 June, 2024