API Reference > geometry-core > Polyface > AnnounceDrapePanel AnnounceDrapePanel Type alias Announce the points on a drape panel. The first two points in the array are always along the draped line segment. The last two are always on the facet. If there are 4 points, those two pairs are distinct, i.e. both segment points are to the same side of the facet. If there are 3 points, those two pairs share an on-facet point. The panel is ordered so the outward normal is to the right of the draped segment. param indexAOnFacet - index (in points) of the point that is the first facet point for moving forward along the linestring param indexBOnFacet - index (in points) of the point that is the second facet point for moving forward along the linestring AnnounceDrapePanel = (linestring: GrowableXYZArray, segmentIndex: number, polyface: Polyface, facetIndex: number, points: Point3d[], indexAOnFacet: number, indexBOnFacet: number) => any Defined in core/geometry/src/polyface/PolyfaceQuery.ts Line 912 Last Updated: 13 June, 2024