API Reference > geometry-core > Bspline > BSplineCurve3dBase BSplineCurve3dBase Class Base class for BSplineCurve3d and BSplineCurve3dH. A bspline curve consists of a set of knots and a set of poles. The bspline curve is a function of the independent "knot axis" variable The curve "follows" the poles loosely. The is a set of polynomial spans. The polynomial spans all have same degree. Within each span, the polynomial of that degree is controlled by order = degree + 1 contiguous points called poles. The is a strict relationship between knot and poles counts: `numPoles + order = numKnots + 2' The number of spans is numSpan = numPoles - degree For a given spanIndex: The order poles begin at index spanIndex. The 2*order knots begin as span index The knot interval for this span is from knot[degree+span-1] to knot[degree+span] The active part of the knot axis is knot[degree-1] < knot < knot[degree-1 + numSpan] i.e. `knot[degree-1] < knot < knot[numPoles] Nearly all bsplines are "clamped ". Clamping make the curve pass through its first and last poles, with tangents directed along the first and last edges of the control polygon. The knots for a clamped bspline have degree copies of the lowest knot value and degree copies of the highest knot value. For instance, the knot vector `[0,0,0,1,2,3,3,3] can be evaluated from 0<=knot<=3 has 3 spans: 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3 has 6 poles passes through its first and last poles. create methods may allow classic convention that has an extra knot at the beginning and end of the knot vector. The extra knots (first and last) were never referenced by the bspline recurrence relations. When the create methods recognize the classic setup (numPoles + order = numKnots), the extra knot is not saved with the BSplineCurve3dBase knots. The weighted variant has the problem that CurvePrimitive 3d typing does not allow undefined result where Point4d has zero weight. The convention for these is to return 000 in such places. Note the class relationships: BSpline1dNd knows the bspline recurrence relations for control points (poles) with no physical meaning. BsplineCurve3dBase owns a protected BSpline1dNd BsplineCurve3dBase is derived from CurvePrimitive, which creates obligation to act as a 3D curve, such as evaluate fraction to point and derivatives wrt fraction compute intersection with plane BSplineCurve3d and BSplineCurve3dH have variant logic driven by whether or not there are "weights" on the poles. For BSplineCurve3d, the xyz value of pole calculations are "final" values for 3d evaluation For BSplineCurve3dH, various BSpline1dNd results with xyzw have to be normalized back to xyz. These classes do not support "periodic" variants. Periodic curves need to have certain leading knots and poles replicated at the end Extends CurvePrimitive Extended by BSplineCurve3d BSplineCurve3dH Methods Name Description constructor(poleDimension: number, numPoles: number, order: number, knots: KnotVector): BSplineCurve3dBase Protected appendPlaneIntersectionPoints(plane: PlaneAltitudeEvaluator, result: CurveLocationDetail[]): number Implement CurvePrimitive.appendPlaneIntersections closestPoint(spacePoint: Point3d, _extend: boolean): CurveLocationDetail | undefined Search for the curve point that is closest to the spacePoint. collectBezierSpans(prefer3dH: boolean): BezierCurveBase[] Return an array with this curve's bezier fragments. copyKnots(includeExtraEndKnot: boolean): number[] return a simple array form of the knots. endPoint(): Point3d Return the end point of the curve evaluatePointAndDerivativeInSpan(spanIndex: number, spanFraction: number, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d Abstract Evaluate at a position given by fractional position within a span. evaluatePointInSpan(spanIndex: number, spanFraction: number, result?: Point3d): Point3d Abstract Evaluate at a position given by fractional position within a span. fractionToPoint(fraction: number, result?: Point3d): Point3d Evaluate the curve point at fraction fractionToPointAnd2Derivatives(fraction: number, result?: Plane3dByOriginAndVectors): Plane3dByOriginAndVectors Construct a plane with fractionToPointAndDerivative(fraction: number, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d Construct a ray with getPolePoint3d(poleIndex: number, result?: Point3d): Point3d | undefined Abstract Return a specified pole as a Point3d getPolePoint4d(poleIndex: number, result?: Point4d): Point4d | undefined Abstract Return a specified pole as a Point4d. getSaturatedBezierSpan3dOr3dH(spanIndex: number, prefer3dH: boolean, result?: BezierCurveBase): BezierCurveBase | undefined Abstract Return a BezierCurveBase for this curve. knotToPoint(knot: number, result?: Point3d): Point3d Abstract Evaluate xyz at a position given by knot. knotToPointAnd2Derivatives(knot: number, result?: Plane3dByOriginAndVectors): Plane3dByOriginAndVectors Abstract Evaluate xyz and 2 derivatives at position given by a knot value. knotToPointAndDerivative(knot: number, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d Abstract Evaluate xyz and derivative at position given by a knot value. poleIndexToDataIndex(poleIndex: number): number | undefined Given a pole index, return the starting index for the contiguous array. reverseInPlace(): void Reverse the curve in place. setWrappable(value: BSplineWrapMode): void Set the flag indicating the bspline might be suitable for having wrapped "closed" interpretation. startPoint(): Point3d Return the start point of the curve. Inherited methods Name Inherited from Description addMappedStrokesToLineString3D(map: StrokeCountMap, linestring: LineString3d): number CurvePrimitive * evaluate strokes at fractions indicated in a StrokeCountMap. announceClipIntervals(_clipper: Clipper, _announce?: AnnounceNumberNumberCurvePrimitive): boolean CurvePrimitive Find intervals of this curvePrimitive that are interior to a clipper clone(): GeometryQuery | undefined Abstract GeometryQuery return a clone clonePartialCurve(_fractionA: number, _fractionB: number): CurvePrimitive | undefined CurvePrimitive Return (if possible) a curve primitive which is a portion of this curve. cloneTransformed(transform: Transform): GeometryQuery | undefined Abstract GeometryQuery return a transformed clone. collectCurvePrimitives(collectorArray?: CurvePrimitive[], smallestPossiblePrimitives: boolean = false): CurvePrimitive[] CurvePrimitive Return an array containing only the curve primitives. collectCurvePrimitivesGo(collectorArray: CurvePrimitive[], _smallestPossiblePrimitives: boolean): void CurvePrimitive Return an array containing only the curve primitives. computeAndAttachRecursiveStrokeCounts(options?: StrokeOptions, parentMap?: StrokeCountMap): void CurvePrimitive attach StrokeCountMap structure to this primitive (and recursively to any children) computeStrokeCountForOptions(options?: StrokeOptions): number Abstract CurvePrimitive return the stroke count required for given options. curveLength(): number CurvePrimitive return the length of the curve. curveLengthBetweenFractions(fraction0: number, fraction1: number): number CurvePrimitive Returns a (high accuracy) length of the curve between fractional positions curveLengthWithFixedIntervalCountQuadrature(fraction0: number, fraction1: number, numInterval: number, numGauss: number = 5): number CurvePrimitive * Run an integration (with a default gaussian quadrature) with a fixed fractional step dispatchToGeometryHandler(handler: GeometryHandler): any Abstract GeometryQuery * "double dispatch" call pattern. emitStrokableParts(dest: IStrokeHandler, options?: StrokeOptions): void Abstract CurvePrimitive Ask the curve to announce points and simple subcurve fragments for stroking. emitStrokes(dest: LineString3d, options?: StrokeOptions): void Abstract CurvePrimitive Add strokes to caller-supplied linestring extendRange(rangeToExtend: Range3d, transform?: Transform): void Abstract GeometryQuery extend rangeToExtend by the range of this geometry multiplied by the transform fractionAndDistanceToPointOnTangent(fraction: number, distance: number): Point3d CurvePrimitive Construct a point extrapolated along tangent at fraction. fractionToFrenetFrame(fraction: number, result?: Transform): Transform | undefined CurvePrimitive Construct a frenet frame: fractionToPointAndUnitTangent(fraction: number, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d CurvePrimitive Returns a ray whose origin is the curve point and direction is the unit tangent. getFractionToDistanceScale(): number | undefined CurvePrimitive * If the curve primitive has distance-along-curve strictly proportional to curve fraction, return true isAlmostEqual(other: GeometryQuery): boolean GeometryQuery test for exact structure and nearly identical geometry. isInPlane(plane: Plane3dByOriginAndUnitNormal): boolean Abstract CurvePrimitive Ask if the curve is within tolerance of a plane. isSameGeometryClass(other: GeometryQuery): boolean Abstract GeometryQuery test if (other instanceof this.Type). moveSignedDistanceFromFraction(startFraction: number, signedDistance: number, allowExtension: boolean, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail CurvePrimitive * (Attempt to) find a position on the curve at a signed distance from start fraction. moveSignedDistanceFromFractionGeneric(startFraction: number, signedDistance: number, allowExtension: boolean, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Protected CurvePrimitive Generic algorithm to search for point at signed distance from a fractional startPoint. quickLength(): number Abstract CurvePrimitive Compute a length which may be an fast approximation to the true length. range(transform?: Transform, result?: Range3d): Range3d GeometryQuery return the range of the entire (tree) GeometryQuery tryTransformInPlace(transform: Transform): boolean Abstract GeometryQuery Attempt to transform in place. tryTranslateInPlace(dx: number, dy: number = 0, dz: number = 0): boolean GeometryQuery try to move the geometry by dx,dy,dz installStrokeCountMap(curve: CurvePrimitive, curveMap: StrokeCountMap, parentMap?: StrokeCountMap): void Static CurvePrimitive final install step to save curveMap in curve. Properties Name Type Description _bcurve Protected BSpline1dNd The underlying blocked-pole spline, with simple x,y,z poles curvePrimitiveType "bsplineCurve" = "bsplineCurve" String name for schema properties degree Accessor ReadOnly number Return the degree (one less than the order) of the curve numPoles Accessor ReadOnly number Return the number of poles numSpan Accessor ReadOnly number Return the number of bezier spans in the curve. order Accessor ReadOnly number Return the order (one more than degree) of the curve Inherited properties Name Type Inherited from Description children Accessor ReadOnly GeometryQuery[] | undefined GeometryQuery return GeometryQuery children for recursive queries.* leaf classes do not need to implement. geometryCategory "curvePrimitive" = "curvePrimitive" CurvePrimitive String name for schema properties isExtensibleFractionSpace Accessor ReadOnly boolean CurvePrimitive * Returns true if the curve's fraction queries extend beyond 0..1.* Base class default implementation returns false.* These class (and perhaps others in the future) will return true: * LineSegment3d * LineString3d * Arc3d strokeData undefined | StrokeCountMap CurvePrimitive data attached during stroking for facets. Defined in core/geometry/src/bspline/BSplineCurve.ts Line 82 Last Updated: 13 June, 2024