PopupItemProps Interface

Properties of PopupItem component.


Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
onClick(): void Optional ToolbarButtonItemProps Function called when the item is clicked.
onKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent<Element>): void Optional ToolbarButtonItemProps Function called when a key is pressed.


Name Type Description
hideIndicator undefined | boolean Describes if expandable item triangle indicator should be hidden.  
keepContentsMounted undefined | boolean If true the popup panel is mounted once and unmounted when button is unmounted.  
panel undefined | ReactNode Panel of the toolbar.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
addGroupSeparator undefined | boolean ToolbarButtonItemProps If true add a gap before button.
badge undefined | ReactNode ToolbarButtonItemProps A badge to draw.
className undefined | string ToolbarButtonItemProps Custom CSS class name
groupPriority undefined | number ToolbarButtonItemProps value added to DOM element as a data attribute
icon undefined | ReactNode ToolbarButtonItemProps button icon.
isActive undefined | boolean ToolbarButtonItemProps Describes if item is active.
isDisabled undefined | boolean ToolbarButtonItemProps Describes if the item is disabled.
itemId undefined | string ToolbarButtonItemProps Optional unique identifier for item.
itemPriority undefined | number ToolbarButtonItemProps value added to DOM element as a data attribute, shows 0 is undefined
providerId undefined | string ToolbarButtonItemProps value added to DOM element as a data attribute to hold name of items provider.
style undefined | CSSProperties ToolbarButtonItemProps Custom CSS style properties
title string ToolbarButtonItemProps Title for the item.

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023