API Reference > ui-components > Timeline Timeline Classes and components that provide a timeline Classes Name Description TimelineComponent TimelineComponent is used to playback timeline data Enumerations Name Description TimelineDateDisplay Determines if data displayed to use is the actual date or the amount of time elapsed since project start. TimelinePausePlayAction Actions for Pause/Play event TimelineScale The timeline scale. Interfaces Name Description MilestoneRange A range of time which can be used to focus in on activities scheduled around a milestone. PlaybackSettings Playback Settings. TimelineComponentProps TimelineComponentProps configure the timeline TimelineDataProvider Interface for a timeline data provider class TimelineMenuItemProps TimelineMenuItemProps specifies playback speed entries in the Timeline's ContextMenu TimelinePausePlayArgs Args for event to pause or play the timeline component Type Aliases Name Description AnimationFractionChangeHandler PlaybackSettingsChangeHandler TimelineMenuItemOption TimelineMenuItemOption: specifies how the app wants the timeline speeds to be installed on the TimelineComponent's ContextMenu Last Updated: 11 June, 2024