
Various utility classes for working with a UI and Redux.


Name Description  
PropsHelper A set of helper methods for various props  
ToolbarButtonHelper A set of Dom helper methods Beta
UiFramework Manages the Redux store, I18N service and iModel, Project and Login services for the ui-framework package.  
UiVisibilityChangedEvent UiVisibility Event class. Beta
ViewUtilities Various View utility methods  


Name Description  
combineReducers Turns an object whose values are different reducer functions, into a single  

Global Functions

Name Description  
createAction Creates a basic Redux Redux Action with a payload value.  


Name Description  
Action A basic Redux Action.  
ActionWithPayload A Redux Action, with additional "payload" information.  
DeepReadonlyArray TypeScript doesn't actually allow recursive type aliases, so these are just sort of a hack to make DeepReadonly work  
UiVisibilityEventArgs UiVisibility Event Args interface. Beta

Type Aliases

Name Description  
ActionCreatorsObject Just an object where every property is a Redux Action Creator.  
ActionsUnion A TypeScript type alias that represents the Union Type of all actions  
ActionTypes A TypeScript type alias that uses conditional types (read: magic)  
CombinedReducerState A type alias which represents the state created by the reducer returned by combineReducers for a given reducers argument.  
CombineReducersFunction So we don't actually need to implement our own version of combineReducers, but we are going to cast it  
DeepReadonly Similar to the built-in Readonly, type alias but applied recursively.  
DeepReadonlyObject TypeScript doesn't actually allow recursive type aliases, so these are just sort of a hack to make DeepReadonly work  
FunctionType Shorthand for "any function".  
Reducer A Redux Reducer.  
ReducerActions A TypeScript type alias that represents a union of all action types handled by a Redux Reducer.  
ReducerMapActions A type alias which represents the union type of all actions handled by the reducer returned by combineReducers for a given reducers argument.  
StateType A TypeScript type alias that represents the return type of a Redux Reducer.  

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024