

Name Description
AbstractStatusBarItemUtilities Helper class to create Abstract StatusBar Item definitions. Beta
BackstageItemsManager Controls backstage items. Beta
BackstageItemUtilities Utilities for creating and maintaining backstage items Beta
IconSpecUtilities Various IconSpec utilities. Beta
StatusBarItemsManager Controls status bar items. Beta
UiAbstract Entry point for static initialization required by various components used in the package.
UiAdmin The UiAdmin controls various UI components and is callable from IModelApp.uiAdmin in the imodeljs-frontend package. Beta
UiError iModel.js UI UiError class is a subclass of BentleyError.


Name Description
BackstageItemType Used to specify the item type added to the backstage menu. Beta
BadgeType Specifies type of badge, if any, that should be overlaid on UI component. Beta
ConditionalDisplayType Used to specify if the UI item's visibility or enable state is affected by the testFunc defined in ConditionalDisplaySpecification. Beta
GroupButtonDirection Available Group Button directions. Beta
RelativePosition Relative Position for popups
StatusBarItemType Used to specify the item type added to the status bar. Beta
StatusbarLabelSide Defines which side of Icon where label is placed Beta
StatusBarSection Status bar Groups/Sections from Left to Right Beta

Global Functions

Name Description
isAbstractStatusBarActionItem AbstractStatusBarActionItem type guard. Beta
isAbstractStatusBarCustomItem AbstractStatusBarCustomItem type guard. Beta
isAbstractStatusBarLabelItem AbstractStatusBarLabelItem type guard. Beta
isActionItem BackstageActionItem type guard. Beta
isStageLauncher BackstageStageLauncher type guard. Beta


Name Description
AbstractCommandItemProps Definition for a Command item. Beta
AbstractConditionalItemProps Definition for a group of items that conditionally render based on UiSync events. Beta
AbstractGroupItemProps Definition for a Group Button that opens a group of items. Beta
AbstractIconProps Properties for an icon in an item Beta
AbstractItemProps Definition that specifies properties shared between many ConfigurableUi components. Beta
AbstractMenuItemProps Properties for a Menu item Beta
AbstractStatusBarActionItem Describes the data needed to insert an action item into the status bar. Beta
AbstractStatusBarCustomItem Describes the data needed to insert a custom item into the status bar. Beta
AbstractStatusBarItem Describes the data needed to insert a button into the status bar. Beta
AbstractStatusBarLabelItem Describes the data needed to insert a label item with an optional icon into the status bar. Beta
AbstractToolbarProps Definition for a Toolbar. Beta
AbstractToolItemProps Definition for a Tool item with a tool id. Beta
BackstageActionItem Describes the data needed to insert an action button into the backstage menu. Beta
BackstageStageLauncher Describes the data needed to insert an action button into the backstage menu. Beta
BaseItemState Base state for any 'stateful' component Beta
CommandHandler Definition for a command handler used by CommandItemProps. Beta
CommonBackstageItem Describes the data needed to insert a button into the backstage menu. Beta
DescriptionProps Properties for a description in an item Beta
LabelProps Properties for a label in an item Beta
SyncUiProps Definition that allows component to register to monitor SyncUi events. Beta
TooltipProps Properties for a tooltip in an item Beta

Type Aliases

Name Description
AnyItemProps Union of all Item definitions that can be specified in a GroupButton or ConditionalGroup Beta
AnyToolbarItemProps Union of all Item definitions that can be specified in a GroupButton or ConditionalGroup Beta
BackstageItem Describes the data needed to insert a button into the backstage menu. Beta
CommonStatusBarItem Describes the data needed to insert a button into the status bar. Beta
OnCancelFunc Signature for onCancel function. Beta
OnItemExecutedFunc Signature for onItemExecuted function. Beta
OnNumberCommitFunc Signature for number onCommit function. Beta
StatusBarItemId Type for StatusBar Item Id Beta
StringGetter Prototype for string getter function. Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024