Hierarchies-related terminology

Nested rule

Nested rules are defined as child elements of rule specification(s).

They are evaluated and executed only when user expands nodes provided by parent specification. This allows to have isolated/non-global rules at specific level of the hierarchy.


A node is the core piece of all hierarchies, it may have 0 or 1 parent node and 0 or more child nodes. All nodes created by the Presentation library can be grouped into several categories:

  • ECInstance node is a node that represents one or more ECInstances.
  • Class grouping node is a node that represents one or more ECInstance nodes grouped by ECClass.
  • Property grouping node is a node that represents one or more ECInstance nodes grouped by ECProperty.
  • Label grouping node is a node that represents multiple ECInstance nodes grouped by label.
  • Custom node is a dynamically created node that doesn't represent anything from the iModel.

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024