ECSQL null behavior documentation

Setting of a property to null

A value can be directly changed to be null - not contain a value at all. This can be applied for each editable ECSQL parameter type.

Documentation schema sample:

<ECSchema schemaName="NullBehaviorDocs" version="01.00.00" xmlns="">
  <ECSchemaReference name="BisCore" version="01.00.04" alias="bis"/>
  <ECSchemaReference name="CoreCustomAttributes" version="01.00.03" alias="CoreCA"/>
  <ECEntityClass typeName="DocsElement" modifier="None">
    <ECProperty propertyName="intProp" typeName="int"/>
    <ECArrayProperty propertyName="arrBoolProp" typeName="boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <ECStructProperty propertyName="structProp" typeName="StructType"/>
    <ECStructArrayProperty propertyName="arrStructProp" typeName="StructType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <ECStructClass typeName="StructType" modifier="None">
    <ECProperty propertyName="doubleProp" typeName="double"/>
    <ECProperty propertyName="stringProp" typeName="string"/>

Attempting to update any of the properties (intProp, arrBoolProp, structProp or arrStructProp, as well as structProp.doubleProp and structProp.stringProp) to null should clear the current value of the respective property.

Setting some complex property children to null

To be added

Setting all complex property children to null or making it empty

To be added

Last Updated: 08 August, 2024