Custom property category renderers

This page explains how to leverage custom category renderers to create fully customizable property categories for VirtualizedPropertyGrid.

Defining a custom category

To make use of custom category rendering system, we will need to define a custom category and assign it a renderer with Presentation Rules. This is achievable using PropertyCategorySpecification:

  "propertyCategories": [
      "id": "my_custom_category",
      "label": "My Custom Category",
      "renderer": {
        "rendererName": "my_custom_renderer"

Now when my_custom_category is expanded, my_custom_renderer will be invoked to render properties assigned to this category. To learn more on property mapping to categories, visit Property Categorization page.

Registering a custom renderer

In order to tell the VirtualizedPropertyGrid which React component my_custom_renderer refers to, we will need to register a component factory under this custom renderer name:

PropertyCategoryRendererManager.defaultManager.addRenderer("my_custom_renderer", () => MyCustomRenderer);

const MyCustomRenderer: React.FC<PropertyCategoryRendererProps> = (props) => {
  const primitiveItems = props.categoryItem
    .filter((item) => item.type === FlatGridItemType.Primitive) as CategorizedPropertyItem[];

  return (
      { => {
        return (

Once the code above is run, VirtualizedPropertyGrid will render contents of my_custom_category using our new custom component, which currently displays primitive properties encountered in this category.

Connecting properties to instances

Sometimes we need to know which instance(s) a specific PropertyRecord refers to. If we know that PresentationPropertyDataProvider is being used to load properties into the grid, then the instance keys could be retrieved the following way:

// <Somewhere within MyCustomRenderer component>
  () => {
    void (async () => {
      const properties = props.categoryItem.getChildren() as CategorizedPropertyItem[];
      const dataProvider = props.gridContext.dataProvider as PresentationPropertyDataProvider;
      const instanceKeys = ({ derivedRecord }) => dataProvider.getPropertyRecordInstanceKeys(derivedRecord));
      setInstanceKeys(await Promise.all(instanceKeys));
  // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023